
December 3, 2012

Tips to help you plan for your autistic child's future

Lisa Jo Rudy

Once your child with autism is past the age of 18, he is an adult. At 21, the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) no longer applies. Your child is no longer your legal dependent, and fewer options are available for education, therapy, and parental support. What's more, the parents of grown children with autism may be older, and concerned about what will happen to their adult child once they're gone.

It can be tricky, though, to plan for an adult on the autism spectrum. Adults with autism can be complicated people, and many are bright and capable. Yet with all their intelligence and ability, some adults with autism have a very tough time handling the day to day challenges of paying bills, cleaning house, cooking meals, and all the details that go with managing a household.  Read more >

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