
October 15, 2012

Over half of children with autism bullied

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BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT)- Two-thirds of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders are or have been bullied.  That's the findings of a recent Interactive Autism Network study.  Children with varying forms of Autism were three times more likely to have been bullied in the past month.  One reason, is that children with Autism share the inability to read social situations, cues, or the facial exressions of other children.  "With any kid, if you're different you're going to get picked on.  That's just a given, but with kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder are different in a way they can't control.  They have no idea that they're different.  They see themselves as any other typical kid," says Anjanette Robinson, an Out-Patient Therapist at the Glenwood Autism & Behavioral Health Center.

Autism now affects 1 in every 88 newborns. To see the extended interview with Anjanette Robinson, please click on the video below.

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