
September 17, 2012

How to Best Approach an Autistic Child

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by KATHERINE | Autism United

As more and more children are diagnosed with autism and a lot of autistic children are joining the mainstream classroom, it is important that we are equipped with a general know-how of how to interact with an autistic child.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to interact with an autistic child, the first thing you need to remember is that autism does not define the child. Do not label the child and categorize him in a box as this is not who he is. He is a special child with his own unique traits and character. Interact with him based on what you know of him as a child and not based on your perceptions of what you think autism is.

You can approach the child’s parents and try to talk to them regarding their child. Let them know that you want to interact with their child and would like to know how you can best approach their child. Some autistic child are uncomfortable with strangers and a direct approach may not always work. Sometimes what you need to do is to get him to be familiar with you first. You may need to give him some distance first before you can actually play beside him and interact with him.


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