
August 6, 2012

Strengthening Support for Adults with Autism

 Researchers and service providers must explore innovative solutions if we are to improve outcomes for adults with autism. This is the central message of today’s keynote address at Autism Speaks 2012 conference for families and professionals – Treating the Whole Person with Autism: Providing Comprehensive Care for Children and Adolescents with ASD.
Today’s keynote speaker, Peter Gerhardt, Ed.D., is the educational director of the McCarton Upper School and has over 30 years experience working with adolescents and adults with autism.
Recent reports indicate unemployment and underemployment together hover around 90 percent for adults with autism. In addition, most continue to live with parents or other caretakers. The guiding goal, Dr. Gerhardt says, should be to help all adults on the spectrum to live more fulfilling and, to the extent possible, more independent lives.
Yet relatively few programs exist to help adults with autism tackle such essential life skills as personal safety, community integration, transportation, health and wellness, sexuality and aging, Dr. Gerhardt notes. Our research community must prioritize... READ MORE >>

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