
August 30, 2012

Sensory experiences project: survey of children's sensory experiences

Free image courtesy of
UNC - CH, School of Medicine

This research survey/study is being undertaken by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Medicine

You may qualify for the online survey research study about your child’s sensory experiences and the impact of these sensory experiences on your child and family. We are particularly interested in how sensory experiences change over time, thus, you will be asked to complete the comprehensive survey (about 60 minutes) as part of the first phase of the research study and a shortened version (about 40 minutes) of the survey one year from now as part of the second phase of the research study.

As a token of appreciation, you will receive a $5 gift card for completing the survey as part of the research study at each time point. If you are interested in joining or contact the research team at University of North Carolina at

Eligibility Criteria:
• Inclusion criteria: Parents of children, ages 2-12 years, with a current Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis

• Exclusion criteria: Families with children with specific associated conditions (e.g., tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatisis, fragile X syndrome, Rett syndrome; blindness; deafness, cerebral palsy) are not eligible.

Source: Autism Support Network  | Image:

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