
July 28, 2012

Two service dogs to help six-year-old Manitoban with autism

This article is from over 6 months ago, but I just read it and saw the video clip... just had got share. I hope you enjoy this, it's a feel-good story for the weekend. :)
Published Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011

Six-year-old Manitoban Kyle Richardson has autism. 
Relatives say service dogs have been key in helping him.

Six-year-old Kyle Richardson is believed to be the first person in the province (Saskatchewan, Canada) to have two service dogs - one trained to help him develop, the other trained to save his life.

One year ago, Richardson didn't speak or play. The six-year-old boy mostly kept to himself. But that all changed with the dog, Delilah.

The service dog Delilah began working with Kyle Richardson.

"Without the dog…he hides, he has no self confidence, his anxiety levels are off the wall," said Dusti Richardson, Kyle's mother.

Within days of bringing Delilah home, her son began speaking. The dog has been the boy's best friend, but soon she'll take on a different role.

Last year, one month after a friend's son with autism wandered off and drowned in a pond, Kyle also disappeared. He was later found. That's when Dusti says she decided she wanted Delilah to not only be Kyle's companion, but also his protector... READ MORE >>

- with a report from CTV's Caroline Barghout:  WATCH VIDEO

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