
July 25, 2012

How can I help with my child's language development?

I would just like to stress how IMPORTANT this article from the Autism Awareness Centre is. Early detection is key in dealing with Autism. If you're put on a waiting list; DON'T WAIT! TAKE ACTION ASAP.
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Perhaps you fit one of these parenting scenarios. You suspect your child has a language delay and are on a six-month waiting list for an assessment. In the meantime, you want to take affirmative action to help your child. Or maybe your child has been diagnosed with a language delay, is receiving therapy, but you want to provide additional parental support at home. There are several strategies a parent can use at home to assist in language development: following the child’s lead, balance turn taking, match what your child is doing, wait for communication, and listen to communication attempts...

The complete article covers:
  • Following the Child's Lead
  • Balance Turn Taking
  • Match What Your Child is Doing
  • Wait for Communication
  • Listen to Communication Attempts


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