
July 17, 2012

Family wants understanding of Asperger

Lauren Kisly, 22, of Lakemoor, talks with her mom about the recent suicide of her brother, Eric, 23, while at their home recently. Eric struggled with Asperger syndrome and committed suicide by jumping in front of a Metra train June 16, (Sarah Nader –


The great irony of Eric’s Kisly’s disability is that its traits are exactly what would make him a model employee.

Focused. Honest. Hardworking. Intelligent.

But the Woodstock High School graduate’s handicaps speak much louder than how he looks on résumé paper. Kisly, 23, had a form of autism called Asperger syndrome.

In a typed suicide note left for his loved ones, Kisly described the difficulties he had finding a job.

“I hate to say this but by the time you are reading this, I will probably be dead,” Kisly wrote. “I am doing this because I realize that I can’t fix my life given whats [sic] left within me.”

On the morning of June 16, Kisly was killed by a commuter train headed from Harvard to Woodstock.

He was wearing his dress pants, a dress shirt and tie – his interview outfit.

“I thought he was upstairs, because when I came home, the car was there,” said his mother, Linda Kisly of Lakemoor. “The police came about 9 in the morning. When they told me [what happened], I said ‘No, the car’s out there.’ I looked and the car wasn’t there.

“Then I just lost it.”...

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