
June 5, 2012

Autism in the News

Gastrointestinal Problems Common in Children With Autism — Gastrointestinal symptoms occur in nearly half of children with autism spectrum disorders, and the prevalence increases as children get ...  > read more
Sleep Disturbances Associated With Behavior Problems in Children With Autism — Reports have suggested that sleep problems in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are associated with challenging daytime behaviors. A new study on a large group of youths ...  > read more
Children With Autism Frequently Receive Psychotropic Medications — A new study shows that use of psychotropic medications is common among children with ASD, with 27 percent of those enrolled in the network registry receiving at least one medication to manage their ...  > read more
Autism: Parent Training Complements Medication for Treating Behavioral Problems in Children With PDD — Treatment that includes medication plus a structured training program for parents reduces serious behavioral problems in children with autism and related conditions, according to a new ...  > read more

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