
May 28, 2012

Services, supports help children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

May 27, 2012 8:33 PM
Part 2

One student, Ricky, was surprising his parents and teacher every day. Before first grade, Ricky never spoke and would become very aggressive at times. By first grade, things were changing. Ricky had finally discovered letters. In fact, he was tracing the ABC’s everywhere. The window was finally opening for Ricky.

Ricky was fortunate that his parents were deeply involved in their son’s education. They listened to the teacher and staff. His activities at school were reinforced at home. Little by little, Ricky was changing. He was starting to talk, not just by pictures but by his voice. The boy had recently begun taking medication which helped him focus and calm down. His medical care was expensive [ READ MORE ]

The Brownsville Herald | Pamela Gross Downing, a special education teacher can be reached at

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