
May 14, 2012

A Conversation with Temple Grandin

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Temple Grandin, one of the most internationally recognized autistics and a renowned expert in animal science talks about her life with autism and its influence on her work. She also discusses the new HBO movie based on her autobiography.

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Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin, Ph.D., is a professor of animal science at Colorado State University and has designed half of all the cattle-handling equipment for meat plants in the United States.

Grandin is an accomplished author who was diagnosed with autism at age three. She has become an advocate for individuals across the autistic spectrum.

Temple Grandin does not regret being autistic; in fact, she considers her autism "a gift".

Temple Grandin (HBO Film)
The Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow (BBC Documentary)
A Conversation with Temple Grandin (NPR)
Temple Grandin’s Keynote at The National Autism Conference

Thinking in Pictures (Read an Excerpt)
Animals in Translation
Livestock Handling and Transport
Emergence: Labeled Autistic
Animals Make Us Human

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